Wednesday, March 30, 2016


This happens almost every night and again today, I can’t take anymore, I will talk with Vitharka, my roomie  in the morning and let her understand. She wakes me up almost every night and requests me to give company till restroom . Today also she woke me up, I was already tired due to the new game I started playing in college today. I could hardly open my eyes but she can’t go alone, I was half awake and started following her. Once we reached the restroom  door, as usual, I stayed nearby balcony for her to return.

She is not a kid anymore and she has to be taught either she has to finish before going to sleep or she has to learn to deal on her own during night times. I have to wake up early tomorrow and need to catch a train to go to native, once she comes I will go and take a deep sleep so that I can travel tomorrow.

It’s been already 30 mins where is she? Has she fallen asleep in restroom itself? I waited for another 15 mins then started calling her name and entered the restroom . I was surprised to notice she was not there in the restroom , I checked all the cabins but she was in none.

I started running back to the room to inform other roomie and found the door was locked from inside. I have left it open while going and how come it's locked. Then I started banging the door and started shouting but no response. Again I banged the door then my other roomie Thaatvi opened the door and pulled me inside saying “you went out again today?” “have you forgot today also?” she shouted and went to sleep.

When I tried to explain her it’s no mistake from my side, she has shown me the bed and vitharka already sleeping in the room, I was shocked and didn't understand how this happened. I have spent the night thinking what has happened (and have missed the train I need to catch and had to postpone my trip itself).

The next night when again vitharka started waking me up in the night I shouted “enough of this” “I can’t accompany you anymore” and covered myself fully with my blanket. Then heard few steps sound and realized she has gone on her own, already she is having the problem of sleep walk and now she is going alone. As it’s not safe to let her roam around alone I went to bring her back and found she is not there in the corridor or balcony or near steps or in the restroom . Then I thought she might have gone to the library in the ground floor and started going towards downstairs.

Then I realized someone pulled me from back and shouting in a mumbling voice. I am scared and tried to look back but couldn't. I felt like someone is trying to pull me back and I tried to run down, then someone has come near to me and hold me tightly and starting shaking me shouting ‘wake up’ ‘wake up’ ‘where are you going?’.

Then I opened my eyes and could understand what my roomie Thaatvi was saying and realized I went for a sleep walk again today also. Thaatvi shouted at me saying why have you skipped taking medicine today also? I told her today it’s true that vitharka woke me up and asked me for coming out. Thaatvi said we both are the only one’s staying in this room from past 6 months, ‘who is vitharka?’...

Thanks VV!!