Thursday, May 5, 2016

List of facts about Bees.

I was reading about random facts and came across a fact related to Queen Bees and started reading about Bees and I was surprised and amazed to learn the wonderful details about bees. They are truly surprising and jaw dropping.

·         In general there will be only one ‘Queen Bee’ for the entire HIVE at any time.
·         Queen bee will only lay eggs. Weight of eggs will be more than the weight of queen bee itself.
·         Queen bee can decide gender of the egg it is going to lay.
·         Depending on the size of the cell queen bee decides which gender eggs to lay in it.
·         Queen bee can store up to 6 million sperms.
·         Once the queen bee becomes old and won’t be able to lay any more eggs the worker bees will surround it and start stinging until its dead.
·         Young queen bees of same hive starts fighting with each in order to become the main queen bee.
·         Several young queen bees fly away from hive in order to survive.
·         Worker bees are female bees.
·         Workers bees are the one’s which will feed the eggs laid by queen bee. They also clean the hive cells once eggs are fully grown.
·         Workers bees will feed each cell as per the egg in it. Drone cells will get different, worker cells will get different and queen bee cells will get different honey.
·         Worker bees make sure the hive temperature is always 34.4 degree C to hatch eggs, not more or less. If more they will cool by collecting water and placing around the chamber and blow air with their wings and if temperature is less they will form cluster to increase temperature through body heat.
·         Drone bees are only for mating with queen bee. Mating happens only between drones and queen bees.
·         Drones will die after mating once with queen bee as their penis get cut after a successful mating.
·         Queen bee will mate with drones in a separate area far from hive.

All these types of bees live in single HIVE and will continuously be doing their job. My goodness!!!

Thanks VV!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


This happens almost every night and again today, I can’t take anymore, I will talk with Vitharka, my roomie  in the morning and let her understand. She wakes me up almost every night and requests me to give company till restroom . Today also she woke me up, I was already tired due to the new game I started playing in college today. I could hardly open my eyes but she can’t go alone, I was half awake and started following her. Once we reached the restroom  door, as usual, I stayed nearby balcony for her to return.

She is not a kid anymore and she has to be taught either she has to finish before going to sleep or she has to learn to deal on her own during night times. I have to wake up early tomorrow and need to catch a train to go to native, once she comes I will go and take a deep sleep so that I can travel tomorrow.

It’s been already 30 mins where is she? Has she fallen asleep in restroom itself? I waited for another 15 mins then started calling her name and entered the restroom . I was surprised to notice she was not there in the restroom , I checked all the cabins but she was in none.

I started running back to the room to inform other roomie and found the door was locked from inside. I have left it open while going and how come it's locked. Then I started banging the door and started shouting but no response. Again I banged the door then my other roomie Thaatvi opened the door and pulled me inside saying “you went out again today?” “have you forgot today also?” she shouted and went to sleep.

When I tried to explain her it’s no mistake from my side, she has shown me the bed and vitharka already sleeping in the room, I was shocked and didn't understand how this happened. I have spent the night thinking what has happened (and have missed the train I need to catch and had to postpone my trip itself).

The next night when again vitharka started waking me up in the night I shouted “enough of this” “I can’t accompany you anymore” and covered myself fully with my blanket. Then heard few steps sound and realized she has gone on her own, already she is having the problem of sleep walk and now she is going alone. As it’s not safe to let her roam around alone I went to bring her back and found she is not there in the corridor or balcony or near steps or in the restroom . Then I thought she might have gone to the library in the ground floor and started going towards downstairs.

Then I realized someone pulled me from back and shouting in a mumbling voice. I am scared and tried to look back but couldn't. I felt like someone is trying to pull me back and I tried to run down, then someone has come near to me and hold me tightly and starting shaking me shouting ‘wake up’ ‘wake up’ ‘where are you going?’.

Then I opened my eyes and could understand what my roomie Thaatvi was saying and realized I went for a sleep walk again today also. Thaatvi shouted at me saying why have you skipped taking medicine today also? I told her today it’s true that vitharka woke me up and asked me for coming out. Thaatvi said we both are the only one’s staying in this room from past 6 months, ‘who is vitharka?’...

Thanks VV!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Gardens in Pune.

There are quite a number of gardens in Pune, but these 2 very good gardens are not well known to many so I thought of visiting and share my experience about them.

·         Bagul Udyan
·         Yashwanth Rao Chavan Park or Seven Wonders Park

Firstly both these gardens are nearby to each other, 600mts or less.

Seven Wonders Park, as the name says it you can see the seven wonders replicas set up in this park. Along with the wonders of the world, there are other replicas for children like Chota Hanuman, Mogli, Ben10 and etc.
There is a 4D theatre as well inside the park, where they have continuous shows of 4D this is also very nice.

Entry Fee is 20rs which is for all the above stuff in Yeshwanth Rao Chavan Park.

Bagul Udyan, which is 600mts from seven wonders park is also a good place to visit where you have replicas of several animals set up in the garden like a gorilla, lion, elephant and so on kids will love them. Inside park, they have an art gallery depicting pictures of old Bollywood movies and a music auditorium.
Must watch the thing in this park is the “Laser Light Show” which they start at 7PM and 8PM based on the sunset. It is a 13-15mins show and a very good one.

In this Bagul park, photography is not allowed through your cameras (not sure the reason), they have a board set up as well outside of the park. But taking pictures in your mobile phone is allowed.

Entry Fee here as well 20Rs for everything.

Please include any other gardens which are not well known and good to visit in Pune, in the comments section below.


Friday, August 29, 2014

What is your NET WORTH?

Recently I met an old friend of mine, after few minutes of chit chat he asked me an interesting question which made me realize many useful things.

He asked 'What is your net worth?'!!!

I gave a moment and answered him, it is some XYZ amount. He laughed and asked again that's great but what is your net worth? As noticing me in blank he said...

We as an individual should evaluate our self regularly on what we are and where we are heading to? Then I realized how true it is. Let me ask you a question why the company you are working for should give you hikes every year? They only promised salary which is mentioned in your joining letter and they are supposed to give you only that... Then what is the hike concept!

It is same as the more polished a diamond is the more it shines and the more it shines the more its worth. Same way the more an individual performs or shows his skills/expertise the more company gets benefited and in turn the more he will be rewarded. We have to compare with ourselves regularly like what we learnt\achieved yesterday or last month or last year and what we are going to achieve\learn in coming days or future or today. If we are not comparing itself with something how we can figure out \understand whether we are leading to some destination or not.

So we should always keep estimating our net worth like same how the worth of diamond is decided based on its shining, same as our net worth based on our skills, expertise, accuracy and yes money too.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Iskcon Temple, Katraj, Pune

Isckon temple in katraj is a new temple which is under construction when we visited in May 2014. The main temple where the idol’s of Krishna and Puri Jagannath reside is completed but the surrounding area is under construction.

It took us 30 mins during less traffic from Kharadi to Isckon temple and while returning in traffic it took almost 45mins. Distance from kharadi to the temple is 17-20kms, so far the short route is 17kms even as per google.

The temple as all Iskcon temples is a very pleasant one and good thing of this Iskcon is they allow you to take photos of idols and interior design of the temple. Please remember we are allowed to take pictures of idols and interiors itself, we are not supposed to take our own photographs inside the temple.

3 sets of idols inside the main mandir. First one is Balaram and Krishna, next one is Krishna and Radha and the third one is a replica of puri Jagannath idols along with subadra and balabadhra. 

The interiors are designed amazingly and there are so many pictures\paintings depicting different events of Lord Krishna’s life. There are pictures depicting the festival of Puri Jagannath which happens in Orissa state every year.

Once we come out of the main temple , the entire surrounding walls are beautifully designed with pictures of Lord Krishna and few other avatars of Lord Vishnu. 

Once we reach back of the main temple on the left side of the main temple we can see stairs leading towards ‘Balaji Mandir’. When we visited the main idol of Lord Balaji’s was set up but work is going around Balaji mandir. You are allowed to take photographs here as well. Here they sell Laddu which looks same like Tirupathi Laddu and they charge around 50rs each laddu. Taste is not exactly same as Tirupathi Laddu but it is nice.

As with all Iskcon temples the more time you spend in the temple the more peaceful it will be. We have spent almost 5hrs when we went for the first time. Outside of the main mandir, they are setting up a grass lawn where we can relax and it's really calm place with the cold wind blowing continuously.

While walking towards the exit of the temple from Balaji mandir on the right you will notice a gift shop where you can purchase a wide variety of gift articles of Krishna, first time I came to know there is an after shave lotion made of cow products. 

Near to exit, you find small food court managed by Isckon, same like you find in all ISKCON temples. The taste of food is fine and all varieties of food available here like Chinese, chats, dosa’s, bakery items and more.


Friday, November 22, 2013

"The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Poeple" -- Stephen R Covey

This book has always inspired me a great book by a great person 'Stephen R Covey'. Everyone Should read it once at least!!