Friday, August 29, 2014

What is your NET WORTH?

Recently I met an old friend of mine, after few minutes of chit chat he asked me an interesting question which made me realize many useful things.

He asked 'What is your net worth?'!!!

I gave a moment and answered him, it is some XYZ amount. He laughed and asked again that's great but what is your net worth? As noticing me in blank he said...

We as an individual should evaluate our self regularly on what we are and where we are heading to? Then I realized how true it is. Let me ask you a question why the company you are working for should give you hikes every year? They only promised salary which is mentioned in your joining letter and they are supposed to give you only that... Then what is the hike concept!

It is same as the more polished a diamond is the more it shines and the more it shines the more its worth. Same way the more an individual performs or shows his skills/expertise the more company gets benefited and in turn the more he will be rewarded. We have to compare with ourselves regularly like what we learnt\achieved yesterday or last month or last year and what we are going to achieve\learn in coming days or future or today. If we are not comparing itself with something how we can figure out \understand whether we are leading to some destination or not.

So we should always keep estimating our net worth like same how the worth of diamond is decided based on its shining, same as our net worth based on our skills, expertise, accuracy and yes money too.