Thursday, May 5, 2016

List of facts about Bees.

I was reading about random facts and came across a fact related to Queen Bees and started reading about Bees and I was surprised and amazed to learn the wonderful details about bees. They are truly surprising and jaw dropping.

·         In general there will be only one ‘Queen Bee’ for the entire HIVE at any time.
·         Queen bee will only lay eggs. Weight of eggs will be more than the weight of queen bee itself.
·         Queen bee can decide gender of the egg it is going to lay.
·         Depending on the size of the cell queen bee decides which gender eggs to lay in it.
·         Queen bee can store up to 6 million sperms.
·         Once the queen bee becomes old and won’t be able to lay any more eggs the worker bees will surround it and start stinging until its dead.
·         Young queen bees of same hive starts fighting with each in order to become the main queen bee.
·         Several young queen bees fly away from hive in order to survive.
·         Worker bees are female bees.
·         Workers bees are the one’s which will feed the eggs laid by queen bee. They also clean the hive cells once eggs are fully grown.
·         Workers bees will feed each cell as per the egg in it. Drone cells will get different, worker cells will get different and queen bee cells will get different honey.
·         Worker bees make sure the hive temperature is always 34.4 degree C to hatch eggs, not more or less. If more they will cool by collecting water and placing around the chamber and blow air with their wings and if temperature is less they will form cluster to increase temperature through body heat.
·         Drone bees are only for mating with queen bee. Mating happens only between drones and queen bees.
·         Drones will die after mating once with queen bee as their penis get cut after a successful mating.
·         Queen bee will mate with drones in a separate area far from hive.

All these types of bees live in single HIVE and will continuously be doing their job. My goodness!!!

Thanks VV!!